This folder contains maps of soil organic carbon content (%; note the associated paper reports SOC in g/kg), bulk density (kg/m3) and soil organic carbon stock (kg/m2). These maps were produced with regression-kriging. The SOC stock map was produced with the calculate-then-model method in which first the SOC stocks at the sampling sites were computed from SOC concentration and bulk density and then interpolated. Coarse fragment data were not available. Projection: UTM Zone 36S "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" Citation: On file names: Properties SOC_ : soil organic carbon concentration (%) BD_ : bulk density (kg/m3) OCS_ : soil organic carbon stock (kg/m3) Soil layers _l1 : 0-10 cm _l2 : 10-20 cm _l3 : 20-30 cm _l4 : 0-30 cm Uncertainty _90l : lower boundary of the 90% prediction interval _90u : upper boundary of the 90% prediction interval Bas Kempen 2 September 2019