GeoPearl The evaluation of the environmental impacts of pesticide use is important for sustainable soil management. This includes the modelling of leaching of pesticides into the groundwater, pesticide drainage to surface waters and persistence of pesticides in top soils. PEARL and GeoPEARL are two models developed by Wageningen Environmental Research and its partners, enabling the evaluation of pesticide use policies and supporting pesticide registration procedures in Europe. At this location we make availabe a Soil Organic Matter map for the arable land of Europe, an important input to the PEARL and GeoPEARL models. Soil organic matter influences the sorption and transformation of pesticides in the soil and thus has a strong effect on pesticide leaching. Read more at This research was subsidised by the Dutch Ministry Of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (project number BO-43-102.01-004). LAEA Europe projection The TIFF files use a ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe projection, identified as [EPSG:3035]( Metadata Metadata is provided following the iso19139:2007 model (xml). It is linked to a stylesheet for readability.